Five Iron Frenzy Quotes
Both my parents thought it was good for me to read classics growing up, and my mom was an English teacher. When other kids were reading Go Dog Go I had to read A Tale of Two Cities. I read Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. I'd try to read classics that were more exciting for young people, like Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels. I'm glad for it now.
I sometimes feel like I'm this mean tyrannical dictator in this band because sometimes I'll have to get on someone's case because they're not sound-checking right. And the only reason I know how to sound-check the most efficiently is because I had nine years of practice, and this is how it's done: You go around in a circle and you take turns. I'll be like, "Hey, you're out of turn!" Some of the guys, especially one of our guitar players, are pretty green at this, so it's pretty rough for us.
We got the name Five Iron Frenzy from a roommate of most of ours. He was kind of paranoid, and afraid that if he went outside on this particular night he was going to get jumped by some people. He had a golf club to defend himself and he said something to the effect of it being like "putter mayhem". Scott looked at the golf club he was holding, and noting that it was a five iron said, "No, more like a Five Iron Frenzy." The name stuck.
Keith Hoerig

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