Level 42 Quotes

Level 42 Quotes

And sometimes it's a lyrical idea that kicks it off, like you said, or it'll just be riff or rhythm that's making everybody dance, or it'll be the tune that's going round in your head and it becomes the itch you can't scratch, and you think there's got to be something here and you work on it that way. So it's either lyrics first or tunes first and you put the lyrics to it. There's no one way to write, you just get on and do it really. 
Mark King

I'm not sure we have moved with the times really. Its just a question of being true to yourself and making music that you like to make. And then hopefully someone will jump and board and go along for the ride. You run the risk of cheesing off your hard core fans if you suddenly swap around and jump on the latest bandwagon.
Mark King

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