Luscious Jackson Quotes
Jill, Gabby, and I all grew up in the East Village in New York. We were like a pack of kids roaming around. We started seeing bands like Bad Brains when we were thirteen, at places like Pier Three, Mudd Club, Danceteria. Later I played drums for the Beastie Boys. Jill and Gabby moved away, years went by, and when they came back into town I started jamming with Jill. Then Vivian came into the picture.
I had been a part of the performance scene in New York for years with people like John Kelly. My mother's a concert pianist and my father's an opera singer. I'd never pursued any of that seriously, but I started writing music for myself and for other directors and choreographers. I met Jill when we were teaching adult education together. The first time we all played together was at the Building, opening for the Beastie Boys. It was a big mess, but fun.
You jam on it until something sounds good and you get a structure and see how it flows. But then there's also the writing in the studio, where Jill and Gabby will go in and sample drumbeats, or I'll do some beats and they'll sample those or Vivian's keyboard riffs. We try to keep everything playable live, because that makes a more exciting show. The drums might not sound exactly like they do on the record, but who can tell anyway when you're playing in a shitty club?!
I love playing drums and I love playing loud. As long as I don't have to eat truck-stop food every day, then I'm going to be O.K.

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