OH, I'm so excited
Won't you come in, Chucky
And, we'll have some tea
You think the car's alright out here on the street
Shouldn't you lock it
No, No, It's alright
No-one bother's a (Calvin)'s car
Listen, Nosy
Beat it before I bust you right in the mouth
Yes, Yes, I've
I've got a little bad news for him
Car's been banged up
I don't see how you could've missed it
I didn't
Half a block
Yeah, these brakes are pretty bad
Oh, yes
And, the way my legal career is going
I'm making more money with my back then my front
Listen, Calvin, get out of here like I tell ya
Say, Burnside
Excuse me for staring
But, your face looks familiar
Well, now that you mention it
It's familiar to me, too
Ever work for the government, Burnside
The government
Oh, me
I better get up to my apartment
Before somebody sees me out here