So did Jesus help you
Be the man that you are today
And everything you own you
Put down to being a man of faith
Or have you been a victim
Of this centuries latest craze
Where being a man of the cloth
Excuses you of hateful ways
You said we'd be stronger
If we only worked harder yeah
But we're right back down
To this junkyard again
It was meant to be neater
I'd thought it taste sweeter yeah
But it melts back
Down t this junkyard again
Does your messiah prevent
From doing all the good you could
Is it the religious fold
Holding you back
From doing all you should
Do you use it as a tool
To brand the things
You love to hate
No love and let love unless
It goes against your faith
Your reasonings stranger
All I'm seeing is dangerous
You got us right back
To this junkyard again
We could try to be wiser
You could try to be nicer yeah
We're right back down
To this junkyard again
Pride and prejudice r
Eplacing scientific clout
I wonder if your beloved
God could see you now
If you cast your mind wider
You need to be kinder yeah
Your heads back down
In that junkyard again
Use your words of your founder
Makes your ignorance louder yeah
You'll drag us back down
To this junkyard again
We're right back down
To this junkyard again
Yeah we're right back down
To this junkyard again