How dare you let depression
Write down your life's last sentence
When you were faking happiness
You let death take hold of you
Now you are just in pictures
I wish I could have saved ya
If I had the chance to stop you I would say
You're better than that
Try to see past your pain
Know that in the end
Everything will be ok
Kill what is killing you
Awake the fighter that is hidden within you
Your mind is like a battlefield
Don't ever let emotions take control
Just keep you chill
And if you ever feel alone
I've got your back
You're not alone
I know what you've been going through
It might not be the same pain as you do
But I can offer help
I feel you
Don't ever let anxiety
Dominate your mentality
Oh and if you ever feel like hanging your life
Hang on to this
Please don't overtake
The road of death to quit the pain
Remain on your lane
Don't push the brake
The signs are all around
It tells us to keep going
Things will get worked out
The higher way will lead us to
The paradise