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National Anthem Lyrics

Liberia National Anthem Lyrics


All hail, Liberia, hail!


This glorious land of liberty

Shall long be ours.

Though new her name,

Green be her fame,

And mighty be her powers,


In joy and gladness

With our hearts united,

We'll shout the freedom

Of a race benighted,

Long live Liberia, happy land!

A home of glorious liberty,

By God's command!

(repeat last two sentences)

All hail, Liberia, hail!


In union strong success is sure

We cannot fail!

With God above

Our rights to prove

We will o'er all prevail,


With heart and hand

Our country's cause defending

We'll meet the foe

With valour unpretending.

Long live Liberia, happy land!

A home of glorious liberty,

By God's command!

(repeat last two sentences)


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