Letras de National Anthems
Letra de Lithuania National Anthem
Lietuva, tòvyne ms-, tu didvyri- Ïeme!
I" praeities tavo sns te stipryb´ semia. Tegul tavo vaikai eina vien takais dorybòs, Tegul dirba tavo
naudai ir Ïmoni- gerybei.
Tegul saulò Lietuvos tamsumus pra"alina Ir "viesa, ir tiesa ms Ïingsnius telydi. Tegul meilò
Lietuvos dega ms- "irdyse.
Vardan tos Lietuvos vienybò teÏydi.
Lithuania, my homeland, land of heroes!
Let your sons draw strength from the past.
Let your chidren follow only the path of virtue,
working for the good of their native land and for all mankind.
Let the sun banish all darkness from Lithuania,
with light and truth always guiding our steps.
Let the love of Lithuania burn in our hearts
And for the sake of our country, let unity blossom.