You stole our technologies
You stole our livelihoods
If you trade with the CCP
You are ending your destiny
America finally has a clue
And America say's F*ck you!
We're Going End the CCP
Its going down in infamy
Freedom and Liberty
Is coming to the East
Organ Harvesting Falun Dafa
No right to life or liberty
The World Doesn't want your COVID Snot
Instead in hell the CCP will rot
We're Going End the CCP
Its going down in infamy
Freedom and Liberty
Is coming to the East
Organ Harvesting Falun Dafa
No right to life or liberty
The World Doesn't want your COVID Snot
Instead in hell the CCP will rot
We're Going End the CCP
Its going down in infamy
Freedom and Liberty
Is coming to the East
You took our technology
And you still shit on liberty
You started World War 3
And that will be the end of thee
We're Going End the CCP
Its going down in infamy
Freedom and Liberty
Is coming to the East
We can stop every nuke
It's not a science fluke
We have the technology
That will set your country Free
We're Going End the CCP
Its going down in infamy
Freedom and Liberty
Is coming to the East