My love, don't let me hurt you
But let me love you just the same
For any love worth having
Is worth the risk of pain
And of course our hearts do tremble
Because the weight of love is great
And we've learned that what we have, my dear
Is well worth any wait
We're walking in place(s)
And hesitate to claim
The love that's waited patiently
For us to take its name
We're taking chances ,we're taking risks
Our hearts are on the line
Take my hand, i'm scared too
Scared to love you
But i already do
Sometimes I fear to touch you
In case you pull away
I fear to say I love you
In case you hesitate
And of course I'll always love you
No matter what they say
Their words can't hurt
The love that's here to stay
So don't mind their gazes
Cause it's just you and me
Don't be afraid
We are finally free
We're moving forward, we're growing up
But let's just take our time
Take my hand, i promise you
I will love you
And i already do