Angelic Ones Lyrics
Not enough time in my day Lyrics
Not enough time in my day & in my freetime I just watch the clouds
floating away Oh Sometimes things don't really go my way day oh
sometimes things dont really my way that day Oh sometimes I get
ocupied with something & then the day ends & begins it ends & then begins It ends & then begins!!!
Oh I know I'm waiting for just not sure what it is but now I think I know
Oh I think I'm waiting for a perfect friend,a perfect time, & a perfect moment Oh I'm not sure But hey it's the only clue I've got!
SPOKEN:notice I said sometimes things don't really go
my way
Well that's because yesterday the whole wide world was against me & now today I feel the whole world's with me ! ! ! Oh, Yeah!
Oh not enough time in my day just not enough time!