Ark Of Sin Lyrics
Determinism Of Greed Lyrics
The hand hold the blade
Tool that will express the insanity
It´s enough to prove the determinism of greed
Can make a man feels like a deity
Break the silence
The victim´s scream echoes
in the wall of the empty room
Blades, razors
and knives on the grind
are mixing with the sheded blood
Madness is not distant
of who don´t realize
The greed upset the sense
The way out is making crimes
The knife on the skin, the body falls in ruddy pain
Heinous crime, the instinct dominated the mind
And after all this cruel act
the murder´s eyes reflects a face of pain and fear
Counted steps
All the details calculated
One more time he plays Judas
And wipe out a life, for a pay
Trying to escape from the cop
hidded clues and closed doors
Even could flee the police men
but not the conscience