He doesn't want any crazy dancing, just red wine and ""Darling, You Send Me""
And not everyone in the crowd can sing, but there are thousands and thousands.
""Darling, You Darling, You Send Me""
What do wear to someone's death? What was Petronius' last meal?
We drive down Union and take a left, just like so many times before.
The girls will be present, reserved, and polite and the booze will keep the bruises away.
As patriarchy turns to slumber and dusk turns to night, this was just another way to embarrass them.
""What have we done?"" On the devon with outstretched arms
No difficulty leaving a cold, white room
""Go to sleep old man. You are certainly not alone.""
Some people say they want to die in their sleep, but I think ""My God, what a horrible dream.""
Me, I want to get shot in the gut and bleed to death right there on the 50-yard-line,
And watch them all silently scream.
This is it, and this is it, and this is it, and this is and this is it, and this it.