Carroll Baker Quotes
I'm always looking for good roles, of course, and still enjoy acting immensely. I've also written three screenplays — one of which I'd like to direct — that are being considered by various producers, and a play — a whodunit serio-comic piece that I'm hoping to have produced soon. I enjoy writing and might try my hand at another book at some point. As for my political activities, I'm most active in the one area far too few Americans are these days — I learn the issues and vote!
Carroll Baker
I think this whole question of privacy has become much more complicated in the last decade, what with Internet accessibility to previously private or hard-to-get information, and our current society's penchant for wanting our fifteen minutes of fame. It seems that pulling off a daring act of trespassing or provoking a busted nose from a celebrity is now considered a legitimate way to get noticed. Formerly, an actor merely had to answer fan mail and sign autographs to keep in our audience's good graces, and I've always felt it was a necessary part of stardom; we do, after all, owe our fans something.
Carroll Baker

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