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"We are the people who rule the world
A force running in every boy and girl"
-Empire Of The Sun
from We Are The People by Empire Of The Sun
(more Empire Of The Sun Quotes)
"You should never sleep alone
'Cause I'll always take you home"
from Sweet Dreams by j-hope
(more j-hope Quotes)
"And nothing else is quite the same as how I feel when I'm at your side"
-Sleep Token
from Emergence by Sleep Token
(more Sleep Token Quotes)
"Wake up at home or in a coffin
It's nice to know I've got options"
-Cameron Whitcomb
from Options by Cameron Whitcomb
(more Cameron Whitcomb Quotes)
"Once in a blue moon, I forget you
And once in your life, you'll be mine"
-Lady Gaga
from Vanish into You by Lady Gaga
(more Lady Gaga Quotes)
"I'm still in love with you
I'm going outta my mind"
-Benson Boone
from Sorry I'm Here For Someone Else by Benson Boone
(more Benson Boone Quotes)
"Isn't over until I'm six feet underground
The pain today is power tomorrow"
from I WONT BOW DOWN by P.O.D.
(more P.O.D. Quotes)
"You'll discover some will thrive and others suffer because
The top of every mountain is the bottom of another"
from I WONT BOW DOWN by P.O.D.
(more P.O.D. Quotes)
"How can we go back to being friends
When we just shared a bed?"
from back to friends by Somb'r
(more Somb'r Quotes)
"Do you wanna know
Know, know about me?
I swear, you can take control
Control of how my heart bleeds"
-Malcolm Todd
from Bleed by Malcolm Todd
(more Malcolm Todd Quotes)
"When the world comes crashin' down, I know where I'll stand
Right next to my baby, keep holding my hand"
from Crashing by d4vd
(more d4vd Quotes)
"This world is always tryin' to tell me I need more
A bigger house, a couple cars will fill the void
But then I get it and I still feel just as poor
So I tell all that to head right out the door"
-Forrest Frank
from NOTHING ELSE by Forrest Frank
(more Forrest Frank Quotes)
"And they think I moved on with my life, that I'm having a good night
Out here on this dance floor, just like everybody
But nobody here knows just how bad you got me
I'm not at this party"
from Not At This Party by Dasha
(more Dasha Quotes)
"Ooh, baby, do you know what I'm worth?
I make heaven a place on Earth"
from Higher Love by DESI TRILL
(more DESI TRILL Quotes)
"Call me when you break up
I wanna be the first one on your mind when you wake up"
-Selena Gomez
from Call Me When You Break Up by Selena Gomez
(more Selena Gomez Quotes)
"Say you wanna know me, you don't wanna know me
You just wanna do what I do"
-Tate McRae
from Like I do by Tate McRae
(more Tate McRae Quotes)
"Know me better, see the signs
Shouldn't have to tell you or whatever, read my mind"
-Tate McRae
from Signs by Tate McRae
(more Tate McRae Quotes)
"Say I couldn't want you less, but I just want you more
So I keep comin' back like a revolvin' door"
-Tate McRae
from Revolving door by Tate McRae
(more Tate McRae Quotes)
"I've had enough of feeling terrified
Now I'm deciding
That I won't be hiding from anyone"
from I Will Not Break by Disturbed
(more Disturbed Quotes)
"I have a feeling you got everything you wanted
And you're not wasting time stuck here like me
You're just thinkin' it's a small thing that happened
The world ended when it happened to me"
-Sydney Rose
from We Hug Now by Sydney Rose
(more Sydney Rose Quotes)
"Tonight I'm just thinking
Three words, too late, damn girl you're the one that got away"
-Tucker Wetmore
from 3,2,1 by Tucker Wetmore
(more Tucker Wetmore Quotes)
"If I could jump into the past, I'd only change one thing
I'd never hurt you first, I'd never let you leave"
-Lizzy McAlpine
from Spring Into Summer by Lizzy McAlpine
(more Lizzy McAlpine Quotes)
"I'm not abusing anything, that shit's abusing me
Another round, delete 'em now, let's go bartender, please"
from All The Love Is Gone by Underoath
(more Underoath Quotes)
"I know she's got you in a love drunk whirlwind
But man to man
Nobody likes your girlfriend"
-Nate Smith
from Nobody Likes Your Girlfriend by Nate Smith
(more Nate Smith Quotes)
"Don't know what happened to her
But she 'bout to happen to me"
-Russell Dickerson
from Happen To Me by Russell Dickerson
(more Russell Dickerson Quotes)

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