Believe Lyrics
Power Of God Lyrics
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; Three rock hard boys not about to go,
And bow down to an idol that's made by man; Cause they were down with God, Protected by His hand!
The king's all ticked; he was ready kill.
Went and fired up a funace made it hotter than hell;
Tied up my three boys and pitched 'em on in; Walking free in the fire. He saw four men! Who had the...
Power - The Power of God; They had the Power - and the Spirit of the Lord
You got to get in the Spirit, get the Spirit in you!
You got to get in the Spirit, get the Spirit in you!
You got to get in the Spirit, get the Spirit in you!
He's the Minister to your soul - Get in the Ministry!
God's people gathered around together, round about Pentecost;
Spirit came down ragin' like a holocaust;
Spewing napalm with their tongues in flames;
Apostles all fired up. Preaching in Jesus' name!
He rushed in like a wind, was blowin' like a hurricane;
Spirit in the house, the world would never be the same;
Preaching in languages that they never even knew;
Not educated men, Just redneck Jews! Who had the...
Power - The Power of God; They had the Power - and the Spirit of the Lord.