Butt Trumpet Lyrics
Ive Been So Mad Lately Lyrics
I was walking home from school one day
When I saw Danny standing there
I tried to show him my dirty underwear
He showed me his and nothing would compare
And he said
You're ugly
What the f*ck gave birth to you?
You're ugly
And I bet your mom is too
You're ugly
Man what's with that doo?
You're ugly because you're ugly
I kinda wonder when I think back to those days
Why did all the boys get scared and run away?
So I looked in the mirror to see if it was true
My reflection looked at me like it was scared too
And it said
Let me tell you guys a little story about my second grade love. His name
was Danny and he looked so good this one day in his plaid Tuffskins. And
everyday after school I would go pick him up at his classroom, and one day
these three girls came out before he did, and this one girl named Heidi
Weller had this handfull of pumpkind seeds. And I said,