So, could you be tempted out of the hive?|Get some bang for your buck and feel really alive|Could you see past the hills behind your place?|A brand new life and a brand new face||Step right up baby, if you dare|You can leave your bags by the back stairs|Just let go and grab on to mine|Nobody wants to wait in line||But mind yourself baby, ItÕs a hell of a trip|ThereÕs many a slip Õtwixt the cup and the lip|Have you ever gone against those rules before|And followed those footsteps out the door||He saw you coming before you entered the room|Now heÕs feeding you lines and he knows what to do|Did you really believe what he said to you?|Did you really believe it? I canÕt believe it||A speedy recovery please|DonÕt bite your nails.|ThereÕll be no more in betweens|Just pass or fail|How could you ever have known?|And how could have ever grown? so young|LetÕs break all of those promises and run||DonÕt it feel like just as youÕre getting away|What your leaving behind is always in the way|WeÕve seen it all happen like a thousand times|You can change the plot, but youÕre still reading the lines ||I remember all those afternoons|Turning down the world, Õtil itÕs me and you|Now itÕs just a little different behind your eyes|YouÕre inside out and all capsized||If I could do it all again I'd never try to be|The kind of person that you wanted to see|I never really changed and thatÕs not me|If only words could really set you free||He saw you coming before you entered the room|Now heÕs feeding you lines and he knows what to do|Did you really believe what he said to you?|Did you really believe it? I canÕt believe it!||A speedy recovery please!|DonÕt bite your nails.|ThereÕll be no more in betweens|Just pass or fail|How could you ever have known?|And how could have ever grown? so young|LetÕs break all of those promises and run||I was only having fun||You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, you should have listened to your father||You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, babe, stay out on the water|You donÕt need the risk, babe, think about your daughter||Repeat||A speedy recovery please!|DonÕt bite your nails.|ThereÕll be no more in betweens|Just pass or fail|How could you ever have known?|And how could have ever grown? so young|LetÕs break all of those promises and run||Were you only having fun?|