Young one rises from the nest|Bid him the farewell and all the best|With all the tools to learn and grow|And all the right from wrong you know||Now and then, itÕs hard to choose|Which way to go|Trust a chosen few, donÕt trust yourself|When youÕre low||Once in a while when liberty smiles|YouÕre free to pick up the pieces|Then youÕre squeezing the stone|Trying to find your way home||But donÕt drag tomorrow down||The heart of trust is well and good|You run the risk thatÕs understood|Trusting from the mind just might|Keep you up with the doubt all night||Find yourself love|Or hope that it finds you|Before youÕre through|The best that you can give|Is the best of you |Before youÕre through||Once in a while when liberty smiles|YouÕre free to pick up the pieces|Then youÕre squeezing the stone|Trying to find your way home||But donÕt drag tomorrow down||Well, in light of it|And in spite of it|We all find our way home|The periphery |Is distracting me|ThatÕs no way to be|Look how much you have grown||Once in a while when liberty smiles|YouÕre free to pick up the pieces|Stay single file|And give us a smile|Everyone picks up the pieces|Õtil weÕre squeezinÕ the stone|Trying to find our way home||But donÕt drag tomorrow down|But donÕt drag tomorrow down|But donÕt drag|