Forget me
Forgive me for forgetting your letting your setting steadily descend
Can't comprehend
Why choose the bottle over the pen?
How can you tear so many others down and never think to look within?
You'll never win
Even never giving in
Finnegan, begin again
He fit the skin he's sitting in
Better learn some discipline
The light's not out, but flickering
Like a freak
Sleepless week?
Better put some hours in before you're in so deep
That we're just left to throw the flowers in
The power's in the tongue
Manipulate the breath from the lung
The truest words are never spoken but they're sung with confidence
Not arrogance
Don't act dumb
If you're gonna swat the bee, don't me mad if it stung
The bee's knees hurt, but what about the bee's heart
This industry is jaded. Please just hit the restart
Drop the gimmicks, but keep and leave art
Anyone of us could be next in line to depart