Underneath this wallpaper
Was everything I didn't want to know
Covering the ugly features
The parts of me I didn't want to show
Staring at this room with four walls
The place I let my heartache all go
And when the fuse blew I knew that
The fire was coming for more
Burn burn it down
Run run far
Leave everything everything I own
Burn burn it down
Dependent on that space for healing
I should be sad I should just want to die
But something in the air whispered
I might have all the healing inside
A weight lifted off my shoulders
No burden no more tears left to cry
A send off into the future
Reborn here I come I'm alive
Burn burn it down
Run run far
There is more beyond, more beyond these walls
You are free now, free to run
Pain dies in ashes, the black and mold
Will the fire stay to bring to the world
The place I learned to love myself
Can I keep those lessons learned
Burn burn it down
Run run far
The lighter, lighter the load
The faster you can run
Run run far a-way
It's time for change