They've stolen our spirit
Buried our life purpose under decades of social conditioning
Become a slave
They've stolen our spirit
Buried our life purpose under decades of social conditioning
Profit is the god that the elites worship
Material is the god of the peasants
The mind is under an algorithmic spell
Cast by nefarious demons
A lifetime of programing to erase
An abundance of traps to escape
The balance of nature in despair
Gaia's legs being cut from under her
All I see all around me
All I see all around me
Death of society
Death of our hopes and dreams
Death of the natural world
It saddens me while I'm wondering how long before the next thread on the web of life snaps
Death of society
Death of our hopes and dreams
Death of the natural world
It saddens me while I'm wondering how long before the next thread on the web of life snaps
How long
Pick a side and cry
We need to fight
Pick a side and cry
We need to fight
Fight for clarity of mind
Fight against our decline
Find a path to the divine
Can we find our way in time
All I see all around me
We are pampered slaves
They are controlling our fate
Blind to the fall we face
But Is it inevitable