This song is for all the people out there
Just trying to get through each day
For those that can't sleep anymore
Because of worry, betrayal and regret
For those that take care of others
Without taking care of themselves
For those who work hard for their family
But never see their family
I know
I had to be broken
Before I was forced to get help
You are not alone
Like you I kept taking shit
And tried to fight through it
Thought I was weak if I gave up
Thought I would let those I love down
With Death true colors are shown
Devil speaks on their shoulders
Bullying and Manipulation of the old
It's all about the money
Taking what they think they're owed
It's OK to be mad
You are not alone
Not every day will be good
But some days will be better
Know your limits
Know your worth
Had enough just done with life
Talk to someone
Get help
Take that step
Find your Peace