CEP Sefogah
He hit her
It was just a momentary lapse
I'm sorry
He told her
I saw you being so free and laughing with him
And when I saw you run into his arms in an embrace
I lost it
I couldn't hold myself together
I freaked out
My heart sunk deep into my body
I felt I was losing it all
So I over-reacted
But Baby I'm sorry
This too he told her
This is the first time I ever laid hands on you
And it will be the last I promised
This also he told her that faithful evening
When they got back home
After a long drive of awkward silence
And heightened tension
Thoughts run through her mind
She knew what to do
She knew she had to address the issue with all seriousness
And rapt attention
She has seen an aspect of him
She had never ever seen before
Was I in bed with a monster all these while?
Or did I grow too blind I failed to read the warning signs?
She thought to herself
But I love him
I don't want to lose him
She told herself
It's just one of those things
He didn't mean it
So I'll still stay and help him overcome that edge
I know I can reach out to him
She encouraged herself
Everything was all right
It was as if such a thing had never happened
They seem to have forgotten
And as far as she was concerned
He promised not to ever, ever
And she trusted him with all her life once more
But what she didn't know was
To him
The hardest step was the first
And that he freely took in public
It felt good to him
He was being superior
He wouldn't take no nonsense from her
Neither will he take it lightly to have his opinions challenged by her
He knew he had to put her right
And so once more he hit her
Baby I knew I promised it wouldn't happen again
But I failed you
And I'm Sorry
You made me look like nothing in front of everyone
And I apologized for how I acted
Please for the sake of our love
Look pass this
I deserve a second chance
But you already had your second chance
And you again hit me
I didn't take you for such a man
So you, No I, I'm sorry
I can't put up with this nonsense anymore
I'm leaving you I'm done
If only she had stood her grounds and left
She wouldn't have been where she is right now
Lying there, barely alive and breathing
Bruised body, swollen face, one eye
As the bars kept dropping on her life support
She realised how big a mistake she had made
Her parents had to painfully take the decision
She could hear them clearly but she can't speak back
Even if she did they wouldn't hear
She has a strong heart and a strong spirit
But her body
That can't go on any longer
It has survived a decade of abuse and torture from him
And like always she never told anyone
Now her family's decision is to terminate her life support
The bill was too much
It was eating up her every hard earned money
She lay there
All she thought to herself was
God I'm screwed
I allowed this to happen to me
I failed myself and the many others out there like me who need my voice
So May you not be like me
My may son not grow to be like him
Woman are not objects they are lovely beings
Treat them with respect, not a blow
And don't let this get to the first point like hers
For all it took was just one blow
When He Hit Her