Christmas Carols
For Christmas Day Lyrics
1. Rejoice, rejoice, with heart and voice!
In Christes birth this day rejoice!
From virgin's womb this day did spring
The precious seed that only saved man:
This day let man rejoice and sweetly sing,
Since on this day salvation first began.
This day did Christ man's soul from death remove,
With glorious saints to dwell in heaven above.
2. This day to man came pledge of perfect peace,
This day to man came perfect unity,
This day man's grief began to surcease,
This day did man receive a remedy
For each offence and every deadly sin
With guilty heart that erst he wandered in.
3. In Christes flock let love be surely placed,
From Christes flock let concord hate expel,
Of Christes flock let love be so embraced
As we in Christ and Christ in us may dwell;
Christ is the author of all unity,
From whence proceedeth all felicity.
4. O sing unto this glittering glorious king,
O praise his name let every living thing,
Let heart and voice, like bells of silver, ring
The comfort that this day doth bring.
Let lute, let shawm, with sound of sweet delight,
The joy of Christe's birth this day recite.
Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher