Christmas Carols
It Is The Day, The Holy Day Lyrics
1. It is the day, the Holy day,
On which our Lord was born,
And sweetly doth the sunbeams gild
The dew-besprinkled thorn.
The birds sing through the heavens,
And the breezes gently play,
And song and sunshine lovely
Begins this Holy day.
2. 'Twas in a humble manger,
A little lowly shed,
With cattle at his infant feet,
And shepherds at his head,
The Saviour of this sinful world
In innocence first lay,
While Wise Men made their offerings
To him this Holy day.
3. He comes to save the perishing,
To waft the sighs to heaven
Of guilty men, who truly sought
To weep, to be forgiven.
And intercessor still he shines,
And men to him should pray
At his altar's feet for meekness
Upon this Holy Day.
4. As flowers still bloom fair again,
Though all their life seems shed,
Thus we shall rise with life once more,
Though number'd with the dead.
Then may our stations be near Him,
To whom we worship pay,
And praise with heartfelt gratitude,
Upon this Holy day.