Christmas Carols
We Sing A Song Of Christmas-Time Lyrics
1. We sing a song of Christmas-time,
A day of glad festivity;
And, with voices ringing clear,
Hail the day of Christ's nativity.
From heaven He came
With wondrous name
A child to be;
On Christmas Day
In manger lay
For you and me.
Ring out, glad bell, Noel! Noel!
The Christ is come to make His home
And with us dwell: Immanuel
2. The shepherds heard, in wonder lost,
His name resounding through the sky,
And the throngs heav'nly host
Singing, Glory be to God on high.
From heaven He came
Our love to claim,
Our King to be;
And sendeth still
Peace and goodwill
To you and me. [Refrain]
3. We head th' angelic song again,
And come with haste, like those of old,
Off'ring Him our Christmas gifts,
Bringing Him our love instead of gold.
From heaven He came
To suffer shame
On Calvary,
To lead the way
To endless day
For you and me. [Refrain]
Copyright: Lyrics © Original Writer and Publisher