Daniel Indart Lyrics
Lets Eat Lyrics
Lets have fun!
Lets eat suckling pig at the country ranch
On, yeah, Lets eat suckling pig at the country ranch
It smells like a Creole party
It smells like sugar cane groves
It smells like a dance on the patio
It smells like the sea breeze
I tell you again
Lets eat suckling pig at the country ranch
Oh,. Lets eat suckling pig at the country ranch
Hey, Pepa likes lamb
Maria Elena likes Tamales
And Faculdo, without beer
Says he will not sing, no way
Yes, Sir!
Bring the suckling pig to the counts ranch, my friend
Lets eat suckling pig at the counts ranch
Get ready, Guajira, cause Im waiting
Lets go to the counts ranch
We go eath suckling pig at the counts ranch
But no, I dont know where by lamb is right now
I dont know where its hiding
Lets eat suckling pig at the counts ranch
Oh, how great are the parties of my country
When they are celebrated in the country
Bongo! Bongo Chemilla!
Suckling pig at the ranch in the country
(repeat 7 times)
Hey! Lamb herder!
They hid my lamb!
They ate it!
But the suckling pig is gone
They really did my lamb in
They ate my lamb
I cant control these people, Oh no
They ate my lamb
But what a great party! Yes, Sir
They ate my lamb, hear this!