We Saw your world from outer space
Looking down on you
An infected race
No place of glory just a wreckage of your cruel ways!
Humans Listen up!
We are the watchers of the skies
Your cruelty - it cannot hide!
From the depths of space we rise
For every species - with justice on our side!
Break their chains!
You're so very insignificant
Yet you believe
It's fine to treat the others on this planet
Like machines
We cosmic judges hear their cry
Every creature's pain you'll reconcile!
Your arrogance will fall to pieces
Divine Vendetta for their lives!
Humans Listen up!
We are the watchers of the skies
Your cruelty - it cannot hide !
From the depths of space we rise
For every species - with justice on our side!
Here's a chance to change your stance
Leave Speciesism in the past
A transcendent awakening
Humanity a new begins!
We are the watchers of the skies
Your cruelty - it cannot hide !
From the depths of space we rise
For every species - with justice on our side!
We are the watchers of the skies
Your cruelty - it cannot hide !
From the depths of space we rise
For every species - with justice on our side!