I think people need to realize
That the human brain
Is the most sophisticated pharmacy in the world
Your brain is so much more than just a memory storage system
Or a supercomputer that so many people say that it is
Your body has the ability to heal itself
If you're thinking in the right way
Whatever picture you hold in your mind
Your brain then translates that into complementary chemistry
A different chemistry reacts and do a different genetic activity
So, in layman's terms it's mind over matter
It's your environment
It's not your genes that determine the fate of your cells
Your mind is a chemist that determines the composition of your blood
Which in turn is what fuels your 50 trillion cells that make up your body
So when you produce feelings such as love and gratitude and compassion
You produce nutrients that nurture your cells
But when you produce feelings such as worry anxiety stress
You produce toxins that
Well they damage your cells
Toxins are poison
I guess really what I'm trying to say is
If you learn to love yourself and have compassion for others
And be grateful for everything that you have
It'll rewire the chemical makeup of your body in time
And our reality is simply perception.