Jung didn't believe that you could be a good person
Until you realized your capacity for evil
I don't mean acted it out in the world
But understand that it's possible
Well' not only understand it
But then to bring it under your control
You see, because theirs a big difference between
Someone's who's "Naïve" and is a "Good Person"
They're naïve, they're a good person because they can't not be
They're like a domesticated house cat
There's nothing
They don't even have the capacity to be bad
So there's no morality in that
The morality comes when you're a monster
And you can control it
And that's The Jungian Encounter with The Shadow
So, Jung said for example that
The Roots of The Shadow go all the way down to Hell
And what he meant by that is that
If you start to understand who you are
Then you understand The Nazis
And it's terrifying to realize that
Which is why it's terrifying to realize The Shadow
Which is why people don't do it