Lists are waiting
We read them saying
We're done
But not yet
Motion's waiting
Hear us praying
It's over
In a way
And there's more
Put it down
We can't
But here's more
Let us down
So we
Can play
Call back later
We won't
Til we do
Types of paper
All you do
Is bring us down
And there's more
We can't
But here's more
So we
Can play
We can't today
We can't today
We can't today
We can't today
We want today
We want today
We want today
We want today
And there's more
Put it down
We can't
But here's more
Let us down
So we
Can play
Listen for it
We're living for it
That sound
Once again
Whispered clicking
Is something missing
We hear it