Jackals Gone Lyrics
Legacy Lyrics
December '61.
my Dad's wages light.
Still on that salary
we, all four, could sleep tight.
Right now if you drank from
that very same well
you'd need a run of luck
to score a bed in a trick hotel
Is this the legacy of
too much for too few
that I see?
The kind of legacy that's
tossin' some good men
to their knees
The 'Great Society's'
maligned concrete cage
sits dead and vacant now -
at least it kept out rain
With all those corners cut
the cracks grow wide and near
I heard some cash was saved
but where it's gone ain't clear
Who goes down next I don't know
I don't know nothin' anymore
Tomorrow's legacy that's
layin' in state
awaits reprieve
I always heard that when a man goes down
you do your best to pick him up
But how can the milk of kindness trickle down
when it's syphoned off and cheats the cup?