Where I'm at is where I should have started
But hindsight is 20-20/
And 40 years Is real long to wait and see the promise
Peek to progress fully
To whole healing
Disregarding that Adam accomplished nothing
And was imparted a garden
I want perfection and much fruit
But it takes time to grow
And the miracle of slow growth can cause my mind to blow
But I want you to dig every line because it's on my mind to blow
If validation seeking was a class I'd be on honor roll
This spiral of naval gazing can make me vomit though
But at least I'm finally at a place where my agenda isn't what I want to pay homage to
And I'm okay with my addiction being a tool God used
It took time to realize I'm a full fool in the flesh
But in his presence I'm His child making a whole lot of mess
That He'll use to show exactly who He is
He's my Father and loves me just the way that I am
Nothing more
Nothing less
Nothing more
Nothing less
Nothing more
Nothing less
Cause He's my Father
Nothing more
Nothing less
Its been a long road road
Road Road
Its been a long road road
Its been a long road road
Embrace The Process
Its been a long road road
Road road
Its been a long road road
Its been a long road road
Embrace The Process
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference
Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace