A dark cloud passes through the path of moon's glow
Casting a shadow across the hillside
Waiting there a wizard holds the orb
And far off in the distance a minstrel plays the tune
Begging forgiveness the apprentice casts the spell
As he watches the kingdom turning to hell
Zombies and goblins pillage the countryside
As all await the return of the white mage
Looking through the doorway of the mind
Everyone makes their choices about what they find
The businessman looks through the glass
He doesn't see
He covers his own ass
Blind man can't see
The mad dog in the corner strives to break free
He steps up to the window and looks at what he sees
License to kill
Slipping on a windowsill
Fight for the bill
For a psychedelic thrill
Sitting on the floor with the sun shining in the window
It's Sunday afternoon but it's still Saturday night
To the left is the moon and the sun is to your right
Open up the door and let the sunshine in your window
From calm to frantic
The tune lingers on
Across the Atlantic
My mind flies along
Drifting in with the tide
And soaring out with the stars
Dizzy feeling inside
Here they come wielding their guitars
International agents
Watch you from behind
Don't look back
Cause you know what you'll find
Hidden identity
Don't know who you are
If you double back
You won't get very far
In perfect tune
In perfect pitch
Swirling down
Into the depths
Of unrealized mass confusion and mayhem
But it's just a glitch