Lhasa Lyrics
My Name Lyrics
Why dont you ask me
How long ive been waiting
Set down on the road
With the gunshots exploding
Im waiting for you
In the gloom and the blazing
Im waiting for you
I sing like a slave i know
I should know better
Ive learned all my lessons
Right down to the letter
And still i go on like this
Year after year
Waiting for miracles
And shaking with fear
Why dont you answer
Why dont you come save me
Show me how to use
All these things
That you gave me
Turn me inside out
So my bones can save me
Turn me inside out
Youve come this close
You can come even closer
The gunshots get louder
And the world spins faster
And things just get further
And further apart
The head from the hands
And the hands from the heart
One thing thats true
Is the way that i love him
The earth down below
And the sky up above him
And still i go on like this
Day after day
Still i go on like this
Now ive said this
I already feel stronger
I cant keep waiting for you
Any longer
I need you now
Not someday
When im ready
Come down on the road
Come down on the road
My name my name
Nothing is the same
I wont go back
The way i came