You are subject to inspections Those are not your lips Have you been kissed by a computer? Are you able to move your hips? It's the skins, have you seen them? Holding us in The skins, can you see them? We cling to our skin Is it true, are you changing? If so, I won't come in Are you going to be so different? There's a world without skin It's the skins, have you seen them? Holding us in The skins, can you see them? We cling to our skin Randy Perkins, where are you now? The age of innocence is dead Legions of legends have shown us how When youre ageing its so hard to keep your head, When youre ageing its so hard to keep your head, Im not complaining its so hard to keep my head, When youre ageing its so hard to keep your head. It's the skins, have you seen them? Holding us in The skins, can you see them? We cling to our skin.