She's off track
Try to roll it back
Two zero one six split it down the middle
Elect a crook
And we all got took
They've had their time but now their time is over
Hard to believe
How it got to be
So messed up in such a short time
May they rot in hell
Send them all to jail
Prosecute for obstruction and corruption
Gonna take it back
Flush the crap
Undue everything put asunder
A new regime
Rage against the machine
Term limits & representation
How did we get it so wrong
My country tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
We won't have to wait too long
Two zero two zero
Elect a new bozo
Con 101
Show you how its done
Big business and foreign money
The one percent
Can all get bent
Love getting rich off the backs of others
Control the wealth
A hoarders' cell
Reduce the middle class, social inequality
Income gap
Social class
Health care and gender inequality
How did we get it so wrong
My country tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
We won't have to wait too long
Two zero two zero
Elect a new bozo
Gonna get it done
Put em on the run
Pursue impeachment investigate obstruction
Run them out of town
No more more clown
Pursue conviction, investigate corruption
We're coming for ya - ha!
Ain't no new thing, you know it's been around
The Constitution it's revolution bound
Despotism? We took a pass
Fascism? Blow it out your ass
How did we get it so wrong
My country tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
We won't have to wait too long
Two zero two zero
Elect a new bozo
Time to take it back
Flush the crap
Undue everything put asunder
A new regime
Rage against the machine
Term limits & representation
It won't be long
Until they're gone
Twenty twenty to elect a new bozo