The time stirred mixed feelings
The moment marked an hour
That would change the course of my life
This the best of times
Molded into the worst of times
Times of uncertainty
This presented
Hope for the future
Desire for a bright destiny
And now I tell, a tale of two cities
I chime the bells of two nations
That have molded me into
The individual I've become
I speak of the underground routes
Having mastered the mutatu highways
Downtown is just as home as the streets of Oxford
Concrete and dust both move my feet
The Bricks of the Lane hold it together
From Moi Avenue, Latema Road
DuBois. 'The Dusk of Dawn'
The River between the Road to the Thames
I tell a tale of two cities
I chime the bells of two nations
That have molded me into
The individual that I've become
From the speakers corner
To Kenyatta Highway, Uhuru Park
I touched the diaspora since birth
From Rongai to Nairobi
Nairobi to London
I tell a tale of two cities that I have called home
Cities that have harbored a lonely heart
Raised a fierce woman
Now I stand before you a product of the motherland
I stand before you a product of my environment