My father had a lot to gather
Roses in the ocean
Thought I knew it all at seventeen
Biting into nectarines in summer
Wish I'd stayed young a bit longer
My lovers never wanted mine
Longing to be drunk like wine
Water in the sea
Watching my dreams swim like lotus
Always trying to stay focused
Wish I had taken it all in
Cause when the wind grabs me
I see it all again
The boys I used to chase, the freckles on my face,
Uniforms of blue cotton
Take me back and tell me to slow down
Lay me onto sand and let me sleep
Counting sheep in the heat
My brother used to drive mum's car
Kicked the dog, forgot his dad
So easy just to leave
Picked me up from school in his sunglasses
Wish his love for me had lasted
Walking on the edge of my nostalgia
My world now is so much brighter
I've got so much more to be
Cause when the wind grabs me
I see it all again
The sheep, the orange trees, the grief
Watching both my brothers leave
Hanging on to them
Take me back and tell me it gets good
Take my hand just like my mother should have done
Tell me I will be someone"