Pokémon is art
And artsy installation are 'ppose have the job of life imitation
Pokémon is the world's best selling RPG behind Mario
Not a missile
But roles played by gamers
Purchasing paralleled universes
First. Acquire a handheld console
2. Power on
Five. Name yourself, your avatar doesn't know that their life is a game
You will have to do your best to make their name known, make them elite
Ten. Pick your first vassal in Pallet Town
You will only have three choices, freshly ripped from their homes
Names horizontally evolved to soothe the tongues of those
Who will never pronounce their real names
Call them Pocket Monsters
Now your avatar has avatars
It's a reincarnation carnival
Side Joke
What came first the Arceus or the Egg
Side Joke
Nobody cares
Nobody dies here
You faint in despair
And you are nursed back to joy
It's a franchise of the disenfranchised
Searching far wide to understand the powers of the unknown
Will look a lot like this
Travel across lands
Make friends with the inhabitants
By which I mean
Tracking them down at last seen locations
Capture them
Pit them against each other
In the colosseum
In the stadium
In their homes
In the grass
In the hospitals
Challenge those who do this professionally
Wear their losses like badges
They will honor you
As the best there ever was
As master
Badger the forces of nature
The world is your Cloister
It's owes you Diamonds, and Pearls
Gold, Sliver and Platinum
Their civilization is older than the colonizers
Facts state
They were once friends
But everything changed when the fire types attacked
It's almost been 8 generations since then
Since the first capture
Now they are friend
House pet
Tradeable collectables
They are monsters
They must be incorporated
Must be explained
They do not get 2 explain
We did not catch Ra, or Hera
But these we will
With walkthrough
Guides for weakness
& Sequences
Side end note
Do Porygon's in PC's dream
Side end note
Who cares
Gotta catch them all
Gotta catch them all