Paul the servant of God, an apostle of Christ
To further faith and truth we trust
In the hope of life eternal
God promised before time
Revealed in a season
Through the Savior's light
Grace and peace from God above
In faith and truth we find his love
Eldest and strong, blameless and wise
Living the truth, no room for lies
To Titus, a true son
And our common faith
In creed, set right what's left undone
The point, the blameless, faithful
The sound doctrine, rebuke the wrong
Grace and peace from God above
In faith and truth we find his love
Eldest and strong, blameless and wise
Living the truth, no room for lies
To Titus, from a low soul
Not overbearing, quick tempered, but strong
I spit up all the lovers of good
Self-controlled in holy discipline
Holding firm to the messages taught
Grace and peace from God above
In faith and truth we find his love
Grace and peace from God above
In faith and truth we find his love
Eldest and strong, blameless and wise
Living the truth, no room for lies
For there are those who deceive and lie
Rebellious, corrupt, destructing homes
To the pure, all things are pure inside
But they claim to know God, yet deny him
Rebuke them sharply, make their faith sound
Avoid missing commands of men unbound
Corrupted minds and consciences defiled
Actions denied, but God reclaimed
To the pure, all things are pure
To the true, God's light endures
Blameless, faithful we uphold
In God's truth we are made whole