Save Me for Later
Bad times are gonna come
I'll be there when they're done
Someday our big ideas go beyond us
So if your eyes are on a roll
If it's a song that you don't know
We can walk the long way until you get the chorus
Keep me close wherever you go
Keep me on your arm, and
Save me for later for I will live long
It's taken me forever to know what I want
When it's old and we must go
When is then & will we know
I would rather live a nothing life than to hurt you
You see these nights are ours to keep
Until the world kicks out our knees
May we pick up the pieces quicker than we used to
Bad times are gonna come
Just say that you won't run
Someday is so promising from my vantage
So if you hear what is your truth
And if you see myself in you
Let's buy a house on a hilltop and practice our habits
Keep me close wherever you go
Keep me on your arm, and
Down the alleys and up the roads
Wherever you are