Substance D Lyrics
My Life Lyrics
it's everydAy the sAme old thing i lift my heAd i stArt to think i hurry up i get in line i close my eyes to leAd the blind oh God i hAte this bullshit thAt's in my life i fAll in plAce to pAy the mAn then kick the wAlls And hAte myself i turn the cheek i tAke the hit i mAke A solid fist And hit you bAck my life this is my life i cAn't be certAin i cAn deny i'm trApped in this rut my life i brush you off And keep the pAce Another honest dollAr spins down the drAin i bow my heAd And sAy A prAyer is Anybody listening, does Anybody cAre does Anybody cAre i cAn't be certAin i cAn deny i'm trApped in this rut my life this rut cAlled my life keeps bringing me down my life this is my life this is life this is life