Again, in the mid of the night|again, in the middle of my mind|I think the world is strange |the world is turning upside down||I walk down the street arms open for you|hoping not to find another mask on your face|and baby please I need your help |to understand why the world has gone mad||Every day, every night again|Every day, every night again|I don't understand |we are all mad here||Again, in the mid of the night|again, in the middle of my life|I think the world has changed|I think the world's turning upside down||I walk down the street arms open for you|hoping not to find another mask on your face|and baby please I need your help |to understand why the world has gone mad||Every day, every night again|Every day, every night again|I don't understand |we are all mad here||So there is no other solution |'cause the world won't change for us|but inside we're like madmen|it is our disease||Every day, every night again|Every day, every night again||Every day, every night|Every day, every night|Every day, every night|we are all mad, we are all mad here!|