Get back to basics|Get back to basics|What if I told you|That this groove would never end|What if I told you|We could dance until tomorrow|What if I told you|All you have to do is follow me ooh eee|Right or wrong|The rhythm's gonna make you feel strong|You'll be poppin|Right or wrong|Move a little closer come on|Stand up kick back and enjoy the ride|Get back to basics|Let's break it down|Get back to basics|No time to clown|And when you feel like I feel and don't know what to do|Roll over like a rover cause it's time to move|You'll be 100 percent down|What if I told you|That this beat was all for you|What if I told you|We could have an endless summer|What if I told you|All your wildest dreams will come true just groove|Right or wrong|The rhythm's gonna make you feel strong|You'll be poppin|Right or wrong|Move a little closer come on|Stand up kick back and enjoy the ride|Get back to basics|Let's break it down|Get back to basics|No time to clown|And when you feel like I feel and don't know what to do|Roll over like a rover cause it's time to move|You'll be 100 percent down|Get back to basics|Let's break it down|Get back to basics|No time to clown|And when you feel like I feel and don't know what to do|Roll over like a rover cause it's time to move|You'll be 100 percent down|