Child of the Promise Soundtrack Lyrics
Russ Taff; Steven Curtis Chapman - The Mary I Know Lyrics
Mary goes to Joseph and tells him of
the angel's message that she will
conceive by the power of the Holy
Spirit and give birth to the Messiah.
Joseph is so troubled by this news he
finds it hard to sleep that night. He
sits on his bed and ponders all that
she said.
JOSEPH: The Mary I know wouldn't
do such a thing
It's not in her heart to deceive
She says the child is of the
Holy Spirit
What am I to believe?
Yet I fear she has betrayed me
And she's been led astray somehow
My dreams for our future
are shattered
How can I marry her now?
But I'm Joseph, a just and a
fair man
I don't want to make her a
public disgrace
The Mary I know is the Mary
I love
I'll put her away quietly and let her
save face
I'll put her away quietly and let her
save face
He leans back on his bed and dozes
off to sleep. Gabriel appears to him
in a dream.
GABRIEL: Joseph, son of David,
do not be afraid
To take to you Mary your wife
For what is conceived in her is of
the Holy Spirit
And she will bring forth new life
And she will bear a Son
Immanuel, God with us
He will save His people from
their sins
And you shall call His name
Joseph wakes when the vision of the
angel fades and knows with
certainty that God has confirmed
what Mary told him
JOSEPH: I have seen as in a dream
Yet I know as face to face
That I have heard from God
As sure as I'm standing in
this place
Mary has found much favor
with God
That I can understand
She'll fulfill the prophesy of the
coming Messiah
It's too great to comprehend
God has spoken to me tonight
My heart is no longer troubled
and torn
And she'll remain pure till Messiah
is born
I'm going to marry the Mary
I know
And she'll remain pure till Messiah
is born