William Goldstein - Main Title - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hendrik & Jorgen - Steal The Guns - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hendrik's Fear - Gen. Best's Arrival - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Best Plans Father & Son Break In - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Duckwitz Reveals - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Menorah Ostinato - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - In Days Gone By - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Karl & Doris Save The Jews - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Langer Arrives - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hospital Search - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Mr. Levy Dies - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Best Gives His Orders - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Aktion! - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Rosh Hashanah 1943 - Hannah & Michael - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Show Me The Upstairs - The Kosters - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Cat & Mouse - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - In Hiding - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Doris Helps The Rescue - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hendrik Captured - Jorgen Escapes - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hendrik Rescued - Jorgen Dies - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Hendrik's Wounded - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Karen & Hendrik - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Father & Son - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Escape & Rescue - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - Langer Returns - Doris Says Good Bye - Gen Best's Reward - [Instrumental] William Goldstein - The Return - [Instrumental]