Sahaja fields
You've come again
To melt the icy snow
A few feet down
The sunlight fails
To show what's down below
Sahaja fields
You've come again
To melt the icy snow
A few feet down
The sunlight fails
To show what's down below
Out there just by the well
Where the memories of me seems to dwell
This old familiar smell
I've tried to trace down the source
Behind all of the hope and remorse
The blindness they can enforce
I walk out to the hole
I am increasingly loosing control
But something's pushing my soul
Those ropes which
I've traced the forest with
I've cut some loose
The last ones
I've wouldn't dare
Lately it seems
The hole in the ground is there waiting
For me to get lost enough
By cutting the ropes
I've got no choice but to enter
And what i will find, we'll see