Your faceless flag is no guarantee
It's just a mindless piece of testimony
To the cold burial of those who died
It won't wipe out the tears of those who cried
There's neither peace nor security
In the bloody shadow of the flag
A flag doesn't cry, it doesn't feel sorry
When we all fall face to face back to back
Nation to nation
Nation to nation ignition
Your f*cking faithfull nation is not a f*cking family
It's just a big lie BIG BIG BIG
This f*cking faithfull nation a lit for you and me
And a flag for the PIG PIG PIG
There's neither peace nor security
In the bloody shadow of the flag
A flag doesn't cry, it doesn't feel sorry
When we all fall face to face back to back
Nation to nation
Nation to nation ignition
Marche ou crève c'est la devise de ton pays
Tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une fourmi
Alimente la machine ne te pose pas de question
Tu n'es qu'un simple pion
Un esclave de la nation
Un esclave de la nation
Un esclave de la nation